Making money should feel like the easiest thing you do in your business. if it doesn’t, it's time to

sell better.

👇 this you?

I am a dietitian / practitioner with an online business, and I want making money to feel like the easiest thing I do in my business.

thought so. guess what—there's a better way to sell. Introducing Sell Better, the step-by-step sales strategy for practitioners who want making money to feel like the easiest thing they do in their nutrition business.

Sell Better was perfected

by working with dozens of Dietitians and practitioners just like you—and the results have been unreal. This method will help you:

Scale from $5k to $50k months.

completely Sell out your launches in days.

Fully book out your 1:1 services for 3+ months in advance.

Say goodbye to draining discovery calls and say hello to sellin' in the DMs.

mastering your messaging, so your content sells for you!

attract more
 perfect-fit leads that will beg to work with you.

Cierra makes selling so easy! My calendar used to be packed with sales calls; I was chronically over-booked, and still, I couldn’t step away from my business because if I did, I wouldn’t make money. I finally now have the freedom and flexibility that I’ve always wanted. I stopped offering sales calls and starting selling with my content and in the DMs. I’m not stressed about sales anymore and every time I promote my offers, it feels so authentic and aligned!
Lauren Hubert
CEO, The Sorority Nutritionist
I knew I was a good practitioner and that I could help people—at heart, I’m an educator who loves to learn and educate—but I had no clue how to sell my services. Cierra makes selling so easy! Use her methods, it honestly doesn’t even feel like I’m selling. And as a result, I’m making more income than ever (I've even had a $50k month!) and I’ve been able to decrease my schedule to 3 day/week, which allows me to be more present with my kids. It's been such a blessing.
Meg Langston
CEO, Meg Langston Wellness
I was really good at educating my audience, but I was stuck in the trap of providing free support. I could get their attention, but couldn't convert it into sales. Now, I have so much clarity in *how* to show up and what to put out there—i know that *when* I show up, it'll pay off. I'm making almost 2x what I was previously making, and my 1:1 services are consistently booked out 2–3 months in advance. People buy when you use the right sales strategy, and Cierra has it.
Elle Merrill
Lead Recruiter, Metabolism Makeover
I was primarily only selling during launches, so it felt very high stakes, high stress, and it took a lot of my energy. Now, after enacting Cierra's sales strategies, I have very little stress when it comes to selling. When I create content now, it feels good. The pressure to "sell, or else..." is gone, and I'm converting more leads without all the negative energy that used to come with selling. My team hit our biggest financial milestone using these methods, and we're on our way to doubling that!
Megan Hansen, RDN
CEO, Metabolism Makeover
Author, Metabolism Makeover: Ditch the Diet, Train Your Brain, Drop the Weight for Good
Prior to implementing Cierra's sales methods, I was posting and praying—winging my content every day without a clue as to how I was going to hit my revenue goals. NEVER in a million years did I think I would be making $25k+ months within my business! And the fact that I do it every month now, consistently, blows my mind. Being consistent with these sales methods has been life-changing—for me and the THOUSANDS of people I've gotten to work with because of them.
Emily Mobley
CEO, Gray Nutrition

Sell Better was made for you,

especially if you can relate to any of the following:

You spend way too long creating content, only to hear, “that's too expensive.”

You're drained from discovery calls, but can't sell your offers any other way.

Your content is consistent, but your sales aren't.

You're winging your marketing and can't seem to reach that higher revenue goal.

what's included in sell better?

this & that

Sell Better is a pre-recorded audio course comprised of 90-ish minutes of podcast-style recorded trainings, broken down into 8 lessons—so you can listen on the go.

upon purchasing sell better, you’ll receive instant access to stream the audio lessons from the device of your choosing.

you’ll also receive the 27-page sell better workbook, which includes 60 fill-in-the-blank content hooks, and step-by-step prompts and guides to help you practice everything you’ll learn in the program. it’s basically a mad-libs sales manual. 💁‍♀️

the sell better workbook is a digital download (PDF).

topics include:

is Sacred

You became a practitioner to help others heal—from a lifetime of dieting, gut issues, skin flares, you name it—and the first step to helping your clients become the healthiest version of themselves starts long before you create their custom action plan. It starts with your marketing.

You've probably heard that people need to “know, like, and trust you” before they'll buy from you—and the easiest way to achieve this is by creating content that helps your audience feel safe and seen.

I'll show you exactly how to make your content feel like a sacred space that will earn the trust of your audience way before you ever even talk with them.

Sales Shift

What you believe about sales and money impacts everything in your business. In these lessons, I'll show you how to stop playing small and refocus your mindset with the big, big goals you have—the ones you've been too afraid to get after.

We'll get your money mindset in tip-top shape, so that we can make sure you’re in the right headspace to attract the most abundant revenue and aligned clients.

Magnetic Messaging

Your content should do the selling for you. In these lessons, I'll teach you my 5-step proven formula to creating knock-out content. This formula is the most effective way to get the attention of your ideal clients, because it speaks to the exact results and solutions they are looking for.

Your audience will think you're a mind reader and your DMs will be flooded with, “how can I work with you?” messages from your ideal clients.

And the coolest part? This formula will help you create just about any form of content—we're talking Instagram stories, reels, posts, TikTok, emails, etc.

in the DMs

Put a finger down if you can relate to any of the following: you post content and hope people apply; your calendar fills up with draining discovery calls that take way too long; you send over an invoice waiting to be paid; you're following up with perfect-fit clients who, “need to think about it”. Should I keep going?

Sales calls are one of the most outdated ways of scaling your nutrition business. There's a better way to sell that will not only save you loads of time and energy, but will have people begging to work with you: sell in your DMs.

Forget the awkward sales script that doesn't even sound like you—I'm going to teach you my ghost-proof, conversational sales method that will have your new clients actually thanking you for how well you sold to them.

Sell Better works! I got over 100 comments on my first post.

Sold out my group program and welcomed 35 new clients!

After 2 posts and 1 story, a new client paid in full to work with me… after I increased by prices!

After binging Sell Better, I have 7 clients booked in 2 days AND have made $19k in revenue. The course helps you know exactly what to say!

After implementing what I learned in Sell Better, I got 10 applications in 5 days and my IG content is on fire!

Cierra has been such a blessing for calming my anxiety around sales. She provides validation and simple, actionable tweaks where needed.

Sold out my group program and welcomed 35 new clients!

After 2 posts and 1 story, a new client paid in full to work with me… after I increased by prices!

From zero engagement to WOWZA!

I got 29 new course students on the last day of the launch!

I just had a $41k launch—my largest launch ever!

Sell Better has helped me create such amazing content that even I would buy from me!

Sell Better is so amazing that I’ve already binged it twice!

Sell Better was the thing my business was missing! Creating content has gotten so much easier and I’m not dragging my feet posting anymore!

Using the Sell Better method, my reels brought in 5x the leads I normally get in a week!

Sell Better works! I got over 100 comments on my first post.

After binging Sell Better, I have 7 clients booked in 2 days AND have made $19k in revenue. The course helps you know exactly what to say!

Going through the Sell Better course, not only have I had so many ah-ha moments, but I’m actually excited to post on social media

I got 75 new leads from 1 reel!

I just made $10k from my meal plan!

I just wrote out my Magnetic Messaging on post its notes. So fun!

I sold 34 spots on the first day of my launching my course!

Sell Better has helped me control the conversation in my DMs vs. just letting people ask me a million questions.

Sell Better helped me sell 400 purchases in 4 days!

The Sell Better workbook is amazing and Cierra gives so many example hooks. I finally feel like I’ve found my way with selling again.

Selling has become a fun game!

Sell Better helped me reach my largest revenue milestone!

My launch reached $19k within the first 12 hours of doors being open!

Just started Sell Better and I’m loving it!

I love to listen to Cierra talk about selling. It always makes sense and is so effortless. I always end feeling inspired.

I had 6 sales within the first hour of doors being open!

I don’t have time for a ten hour course. Sell Better is concise, practical and so enjoyable to listen to.

Cierra has been such a blessing for calming my anxiety around sales. She provides validation and simple, actionable tweaks where needed.

It’s not just about selling better & faster.
It’s about helping you help more people.

Hi, I’m Cierra, a former Dietitian turned Sales & Launch Expert for Nutrition Business Owners.

As a Dietitian in private practice, I tried selling like everyone else for years. I'd fill my calendar 🗓️ with anyone who would talk with me, create content in hopes it would magically 🪄 bring me clients, and would continually follow up with clients who ghosted 👻 me...

Spoiler alert: it didn’t work. 🙃

Half the time, I was second guessing 🤔 if I was charging too much (or too little)—and the other half, I was jumping from call to call, absolutely exhausted. 😖 I had dreams of scaling my business, but was burnt out and struggled to make the amount of money that reflected my effort. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. 

Almost overnight, 💡 I realized what was missing—my marketing and sales strategy. I was winging it! 🤦‍♀️ And beyond that, selling felt awkward and sleazy. So, I went back to the skills I felt strongest in—active listening and problem-solving. As a Dietitian, I could effortlessly coach my clients through turning their life and health around. When I started leveraging my coaching skills in my marketing content and sales conversations, my client list grew. Soon, I had more clients than I knew what to do with, and selling became natural and, dare I say, fun!

I’ve perfected the Sell Better method over the past few years, teaching it to dozens of dietitians. The results? They've seen the same amazing results I saw—their clients are begging to work with them, their calendars are freeing up, and the pressure they felt to make money is gone. ✨

what are you waiting for?

sell better, today

Most students make their investment back within 2-20 days. 😏

it's time to sell better.

Sell Better is the step-by-step sales strategy for practitioners who want making money to feel like the easiest thing they do in their nutrition business.
What's included
  • an 8-episode, 90-ish minute, streamable audio course.
  • a 27-page workbook, complete with prompts and guides to practice and apply the course material.
  • 60+ pre-written, fill-in-the-blank-style content hooks.
  • based on student feedback, the fastest ROI you've ever seen.
frequently asked questions

(too long; didn't read)

sell better will help you, well, sell better.

  • You'll get an 8-episode audio course, kinda like a podcast. 🎧
  • You'll get a 27-page workbook complete with prompts and guides to practice and apply the course material. 🤓
  • You'll get 60+ pre-written, fill-in-the-blank-style content hooks. 💁‍♀️
  • based on student feedback, after you implement the sales methods inside Sell Better, you'll probably see the fastest ROI you've ever seen.  🤩

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